We are a little behind on keeping this blog updated. So, the last weekend in May, I went up to Rexburg to spend some time with Nicki for Mother's week. We did absolutely nothing at the college, but had fun watching movies and talking. We did take a nice walk through the botanical gardens up there and had lots of fun doing that on Friday night. Then on Saturday, we went to Idaho Falls to do some shopping. Macy's was having some kind of open-house type event and they had a drawing for several perfume gift packages. Nicki and I hung around for several drawings, but finally decided we weren't going to win anything that day. We went to lunch and then she took me over to Maurice and Debbie's to meet up with her roommate and her mom so they could go back to Rexburg and I could head south for home. We were almost at my brother's house, when Regan called and asked if we had entered any drawings. Apparently my name was drawn right after we left, and they had called our house to let me know. So we raced back out to the mall to collect our prize because the event ended at 5:00 and it was about 4:45. We just made it and here we are with the "coveted" free perfume. I can't even remember what kind we got, I gave it to Nicki. That was a fun way to end a great weekend. One thing about hanging out with Nicki, there is never a dull moment!!!
nicki! you're hair is so long! how fun to have your mom there for mother's week!