Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ya gotta love fall!

I just love fall, especially when I get to pick pumpkins from my own garden. I've never grown my own and this year we planted only one plant and look at what we got! Trevor, who loves gardening with me, has already claimed the big one.
I also tried my hand at growing squash. I planted one plant of spaghetti squash, one of butter cup squash and one of butternut squash and only three plants yielded this much squash. Apparently this is something that is pretty easy to grow! I never knew that. As you can see by the picture, the onions didn't do as well! Oh well, there's always next year. Now all I have to do is convince my family that squash is good.


  1. One thing I forgot to mention, the best part of harvesting the pumpkins and squash is that I'm done gardening them! As much as I love gardening (and I do), I also love when fall comes and I can get a break!

  2. really? you're kids don't like squash? i love spaghetti squash! kudos for gardening...i think i got the "hate to garden" thing from oh, i don't know, my mom! we all know how much she just LOVES to garden! ha ha! :)

  3. This is great, Caroline! I wish I like to garden but ...not really. I think I'd like it in raised boxes but the knees just can't take it. I would love to have one just so we could actually know what we are eating. No wonder President Kimball told us all to plant gardens 30 years ago. He knew what was coming! By golly, he must have been a prophet!! Good for you!!

  4. That's so great! It looks so yummy and you have so much! Fall is the best isn't it
