Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Yummy Yellow and Magic Bullets

These are the cute flowers Nicki sent to me for Mother's Day. I love all colors and all flowers, but yellow is one of my all time favorite colors. I just love these, especially with the maroon lilies added just for contrast. They were stunning. 

On Mother's Day Kent and the kids grilled tri-tips and made a wonderful dinner for me. They also gave me a "Magic Bullet". I was a bit under impressed with this and was thinking I would probably return it. But to my surprise, I love it. I make smoothies all the time, in fact, we are kind of a smoothie making family. So last night I tried out my new gadget and loved it. Now I am a smoothie making junkie. I made four last night just so I could show the entire family (or at least those of us still living here) how to use this nifty little item! I also got up and made scrambled eggs for breakfast. Okay, I probably could have made them just as easily without the Magic Bullet, but it wouldn't have been nearly as fun! Who knew!!!


  1. Pretty flowers:] I've wanted a Magic Bullet for a long time! I better get one. And as for insulting my blog... you can check it out now and leave a nice comment! Love you.

  2. I had never heard of a Magic Bullet..no TV. Sounds cool though. Your flowers are great, so pretty. Yellow is such a happy color~I love it too.

    What a nice dinner you had...I think your Mother's Day was pretty awesome. I don't have my present yet...I have to go pick it out and Jim's father's day present...we are both getting new office chairs. Ours are shot!

    I hope your mom does well this week.

    Love and hugs, B

  3. OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE THAT INFO-MERRICAL!!! have you seen it? it's hilarious!! i'm glad that you are enjoying your mother's day present! Can't wait for the weekend!! see ya soon!
